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Melanie Bricker-May

Having lived in many locations throughout Washington, Melanie Bricker-May (MAB 13), calls
Kennewick, Washington home. She earned her BFA multidisciplinary degree from Washington State University in wood crafting, printmaking, and photography.


Melanie’s primary sources of influence are from her family and husband. Her photography focuses on “in the moment” content, the temporary. Her printmaking is more of a storytelling style with
each work containing specific elements and meaning. Her wood crafting style is close to
home, heavily influenced by her grandfather and father.


Melanie is currently part of her family’s business, FrogPatch Paper & Works, where she
spearheaded Frogs of the Tri-Cities, a group of native species block prints which showcase
the diverse recreation, locations and entertainment around the Tri-Cities.

Melanie Bricker-Hay (email)

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